This message is a test – a Self-Test, if you will – to determine where you stand in your walk with the Lord.
You sing the familiar song – “Just A Closer Walk With Thee, Grant It, Jesus, Is My Plea.”
But just how close to Jesus are you? Do you resemble Him in thought, word, and deed?
Are you becoming more and more like Him in your overall attitude or disposition?
Using five Scriptures out of the Book of Proverbs which deal with the word – “abomination” – allow the Holy Spirit to reveal your true character today.
1. Do You Consider Lying To Be Utter Wickedness?
Proverbs 8:7 says – “For my mouth shall speak truth: and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.”
Proverbs 12:22 says – “Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are His delight.”
Those who are walking with Jesus can honestly admit that everything they say is right and true. They speak the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. They would rather remain silent than to speak a lie. In their daily interactions with men, they deal sincerely and straightforwardly. They keep their word and distance themselves from those who don’t.
2. Do You Hate The Evil Of The Wicked?
Proverbs 29:27 says – “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.”
Those who are truly sanctified have a deep-seated and instinctive aversion for the works of the wicked. They hate the sinner’s impiety toward God and their constant injury toward men.
Wherever they go, these sanctified ones are a constant check – restraining, suppressing, shaming, and condemning the corrupt words and deeds of the evildoer. Using whatever means available to them, they aim to bring the wickedness of the wicked to an end
3. Do You Make Light Of Sin?
Proverbs 24:9 says – “The thought of foolishness is sin…”
Those who are walking daily with Jesus would never think to jest about something so abominable and offensive in His sight as sin. Neither do they endorse those who do.
In conversation, they are quick to check or rebuke any talk which would excuse or justify sin in another.
4. Do You Harbor Sinful Thoughts Which Lead To Malicious Words and Schemes?
Proverbs 24:9 says – “The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.”
The scorner is a mocker. He is openly abusive in his words and deeds. His intentions, purposes, and devices are criminal. He takes great pleasure in offending, insulting, injuring, and abusing others.
Those who claim Jesus as their Lord and Savior have nothing to do with this man nor do they mimic his behavior.
5. Do You Expect Those In Leadership To Detest Wrongdoing?
Proverbs 16:12 says – “It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness.”
Those who are true, “Born-Again” Christians expect much from their leaders.
Good rulers hate evil and injustice. They abhor the wickedness done by others and would never think to do it themselves. They realize that their power to rule – which is sustained by righteousness – came from God Who is their chief model.
1. Do You Consider Lying To Be Utter Wickedness?
2. Do You Hate The Evil Of The Wicked?
3. Do You Make Light Of Sin?
4. Do You Harbor Sinful Thoughts Which Lead To Malicious Words and Schemes?
5. Do You Expect Those In Leadership To Detest Wrongdoing?
As you can see from these Scriptures, Christianity is more than simply going to church every Sunday or Wednesday. It involves a total transformation of the mind and conduct whereby you think and act like Jesus.
When you are being conformed to His image, you will hate lying. You will never tell a lie nor will you allow anyone in your presence to be deceitful or crooked.
The more you walk with Jesus, the more the sin of the wicked will become offensive to you. You will have nothing to do with ungodliness – knowing how utterly displeasing it is to a Holy God.
You would never think to make jest of that which caused your Loving Savior to leave Heaven’s Glory and die the most coldblooded death on the Cross for mankind’s salvation from sin.
You find yourself growing more and more sensitive – watching daily so as not to be offensive, insulting, injurious, or abusive in any way, shape, or form to a fellow human being – no matter what his race, color, culture, denomination, or position may be.
Knowing that power comes from God, more and more you find yourself demanding righteousness from those who are in authority. And if you are in an elevated position in society, you do not take your responsibility lightly.
How do you fare in this Self Test?
Are you becoming more and more like Jesus?
Just how close to Him are you?
In Amos 3:3, the Prophet inquired – “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”
Are you walking with Jesus?
Are you in agreement with Him?
You are indeed – if you are calling those things which are despicable in His sight an “abomination.” Otherwise, it would be safe to say that you do not even know Him.
May God Bless His Word,