At War With The Counter Attraction – Video #16
"We must always have some object before the eyes of our mind..." (The Pulpit Commentary) "LOOKING UNTO JESUS..." The writer of Hebrews teaches the believer that he must look away from all else to JESUS only. John Trapp said in his commentary - "Saints have a single...
How Desperate Are You For Freedom?
"They who simply walk after God's word have no nets to entangle them, while they who do contrary are ever in nets and snares." (Geneva Bible Footnotes) "The only man in God's world who is really free, and can be safely trusted with freedom is the man who means to...
Is This A Good Time? – Video #15
"The church is God's temple in which He dwells and around it the world of wickedness." (The People's New Testament Commentary) "In this present world," God is calling His people to"live soberly, righteously, and godly." You have a duty to "live soberly" (in relation...
This Is How God’s Children Walk
"Everyone today is either leading or being led. We are either advancing onward or sliding backward, contributing to the broken condition of the world or bringing about its healing." (Living Among Lions) "Whether conscious of it or not, progress is a law of our being...
Although They Hear Many Sermons
"The best men of Old and New Testament times were men of meditation as well as of action - Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Samuel, David, Elijah, Nehemiah, John Baptist, St. Paul, John the Apostle - all of these illustrate the truth." (The Pulpit Commentary) We now live...
This Is My Choice – Video #13
"Men do not drop into the right way by chance; they must choose it, and continue to choose it, or they will soon wander from it." "No man ever served the Lord but he first made choice of Him to be His Master...Now all the saints of God have made this distinct...
God has an answer of peace for His people. He will "speak peace" to those who are set apart for Him...are subject to Him... and are devoted to His glory.But, as Psalm 85:8 warns - "...let them not turn again to folly." So many are following...
Hear What God Is Saying
"Such is to be our life; a life of listening; not to man, nor self, nor the world, but to God...Let the willing ear be ours. How much we lose by the closed ear!" (Preacher's Homiletic Commentary) Is your life a life of listening to God? Or, are you more...
Still Toying With The Unclean Thing – Video #11
"The world is a great creator of opinion, sentiment, and habit, and thus becomes an immense obstacle to the Church of God." (The Pulpit Commentary) "It is the duty of Christian people to oppose the course of this world." (The Pulpit Commentary) It is the "duty" of...
There Is No Room For Despair
No matter how hopeless your condition may be in the sight of men, there is no room for despair. All things are possible to God. You have a promise of restoration. JESUS is as good as He is powerful. Hope therefore in Him. Here are the links...