by Connie Giordano | Jul 25, 2019 | Daily Devotionals
“We must always have some object before the eyes of our mind…” (The Pulpit Commentary) “LOOKING UNTO JESUS…” The writer of Hebrews teaches the believer that he must look away from all else to JESUS only. John Trapp said in his...
by Connie Giordano | Jul 22, 2019 | Daily Devotionals
“They who simply walk after God’s word have no nets to entangle them, while they who do contrary are ever in nets and snares.” (Geneva Bible Footnotes) “The only man in God’s world who is really free, and can be safely trusted with...
by Connie Giordano | Jul 13, 2019 | Daily Devotionals
“The church is God’s temple in which He dwells and around it the world of wickedness.” (The People’s New Testament Commentary) “In this present world,” God is calling His people to”live soberly, righteously, and godly.”...
by Connie Giordano | Jul 10, 2019 | Daily Devotionals
“Everyone today is either leading or being led. We are either advancing onward or sliding backward, contributing to the broken condition of the world or bringing about its healing.” (Living Among Lions) “Whether conscious of it or not, progress is a...
by Connie Giordano | Jun 23, 2019 | Daily Devotionals
“The best men of Old and New Testament times were men of meditation as well as of action – Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Samuel, David, Elijah, Nehemiah, John Baptist, St. Paul, John the Apostle – all of these illustrate the truth.” (The Pulpit...